I-59/20 Bridge Project Update

October 1, 2020


Emergency Lane Closures on I-59/20 NB at  MP 124.7, in Jefferson County
(CBD) Central Business District Project

BIRMINGHAM– The Alabama Department of Transportation announced that all lanes in each direction on I-59/20 NB are closed due to an overturned vehicle containing hazardous materials.

Motorists are asked to use the following detour routes:

  • I-59/20 northbound traffic should detour onto I-459 northbound.
  • I-59/20 southbound traffic should detour onto I-65 northbound or I-65 southbound.

The lanes will be closed until further notice, possibly until the end of Friday, October 2nd.

Updates will be provided as work progresses.

Motorists are requested to consider using alternate routes, adjust arrival/departure times, observe work zone speed limits and other work zone signs, and use extreme caution in this area. ALDOT thanks motorists for their patience during this Maintenance Operation to improve Alabama’s roadways.

ALDOT’s mission is to provide a safe, efficient, environmentally sound transportation network across Alabama. For traffic alerts and updates, please visit www.5920bridge.com, utilize the ALGO traffic app, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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