I-59/20 Bridge Project Update

October 29, 2020

ALDOT  Urges Caution on State, U.S., Interstate Highways;
Abide by Local Travel Advisories

The Alabama Department of Transportation on Thursday morning is urging motorists statewide to use caution when traveling state, U.S. and interstate highways and to abide by local travel advisories for city and county roads as authorities begin cleanup from overnight impacts of Tropical Storm Zeta.

ALDOT recommends checking algotraffic.com for the latest storm-related impacts on state, U.S. and interstate highways. Many local jurisdictions on Thursday morning are advising that local roads are impassable. Please rely on local news reports and local authorities for the status of city and county roads.

ALDOT’s mission is to provide a safe, efficient, environmentally sound transportation network across Alabama. For traffic alerts and updates, please visit www.5920bridge.com, utilize the ALGO traffic app, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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