National Work Zone Awareness Week

April 26-30, 2021

Drive Safe. Work Safe. Save Lives.

For more information contact:

Skip Powe


This year’s National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW), observed April 26-30, is themed “Drive Safe. Work Safe. Save Lives.” NWZAW is an annual campaign held at the start of construction season that encourages safe driving through highway work zones. The public awareness campaign was launched 21 years ago to encourage drivers to use extra caution in work zones and understand they play a role in keeping motorists and roadway workers safe.

Statistics from the National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse show there were 762 fatal crashes in work zones resulting in 842 deaths in 2019. Tragically, 135 roadway workers were part of these killed in work zones. These fatality counts are up from 757 and 124 in 2018. These statistics demonstrate the importance of NWZAW and spreading the message that everyone has a role in getting roadway workers home safely. Additionally, there were a total of 123,000 work zone crashes in 2018 – of which 31,000 were crashes that resulted in 45,000 injuries, which underscores the critical need to observe work zone speeds and eliminate distractions—such as cell phones—when approaching and driving through work zones.

Stressing the importance of being aware of surroundings in work zones, Skip Powe, Principal with SSR, said, “Construction and maintenance workers risk their lives each day on behalf of the public in order to build and maintain the roads and bridges we all need for our daily activities. These workers are mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, friends and co- workers. Just like all of us, they want to go home to their families at the end of the workday. Their families need them, just like yours need you.”

Tips for being a safer driver in work zones:

  • Slow down and obey posted speed limits.
  • Stay alert; work zones can change daily, and signs, cones, drums, and flaggers are there to help guide you safely.
  • Keep your eyes on the road and eliminate distractions such as cell phones.
  • Watch for sudden stops and don’t tailgate.
  • Watch for workers and their equipment.
  • Move over a lane to give the construction crew more space if the roadway allows.

In Alabama, Morris King of Vulcan Materials Company (VMC) and his dog, Millie, are spearheading the message by the Mobile Section of the Associated General Contractors of America Alabama Chapter (AGC Alabama). Millie, a Labrador Retriever service dog, is somewhat of a local celebrity as she’s been the subject of books about her therapy care for those in need. AGC Alabama recruited Morris and Millie to bring attention to motorists and workers to the importance of NWZAW and has tagged Millie as their “Spokes Dog.” Morris and Millie are featured in this year’s social media and billboard campaign across the state and have posed for photos with construction safety signs and on construction equipment with children from a local roadway contractor. You can read more about Millie at . In addition, Skip Powe, Principal of Smith Seckman Reid (SSR), has been named as chairman of the Alabama Road Builders Association’s (ARBA) NWZAW campaign.

Morris, Millie, and Skip will be key industry contacts for the following scheduled NWZAW events:

  • April 26th – Montgomery: TV interviews on WAKA and WSFA with Skip Powe to kick off the week and to be replayed throughout the day’s newscasts.
  • April 27th – Mobile: 9:00 am press conference at ALDOT SW Region Office with representatives of the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT), the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA), Skip Powe (SSR/ARBA), and Morris King of (VMC/AGC Alabama).
  • April 27th – Mobile: 1:30 pm interview on Sean Sullivan’s Midday Mobile FM Talk 106.5 with Morris King and Skip Powe.
  • April 28th – Wear Orange Day: all roadway safety professionals across the country are encouraged to wear orange to proudly show their support of work zone safety. This is an important time to show support of the roadway safety industry, especially to the families of victims who have lost their lives in work zones. Individuals and companies are encouraged to post photos of Go Orange Day activities on social media using the hashtags #NWZAW, #WorkZoneSafety, and #Orange4Safety.
  • April 28th – Birmingham: 10:00 am press conference on Morgan Road approximately 1 mile south of I-459 Exit 6 near the intersection of Twin Oaks Road with anticipated speakers of DeJarvis Leonard (ALDOT), Cal Markert (Jefferson County), Skip Powe (SSR/ARBA), and Keith Dillard (Alabama Guardrail/AGC Alabama).

NWZAW was formed by the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA), the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The partnership has expanded through the years to include many other national industry associations. In Alabama, NWZAW is coordinated by the Alabama Struck By Alliance, which is led by the Mobile Section of AGC Alabama and includes 19 industry associations such as ARBA, the Alabama Asphalt Pavement Association, ALDOT, and the Alabama County Commissioners Association. For more information concerning NWZAW, contact Skip Powe.

The Alabama Road Builders Association is the only trade association that exclusively represents the collective interests of all sectors of Alabama’s transportation construction Industry.

Written by:

Skip Powe, P.E.

Skip is Principal with SSR tasked with leading its expansion into Alabama. He has a passion for construction efficiencies and safety. Off the clock, Skip is a college baseball umpire and high school football referee.

ALDOT’s mission is to provide a safe, efficient, environmentally sound transportation network across Alabama. For traffic alerts and updates, please visit, utilize the ALGO traffic app, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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